Well Being @ CCHS

Well Being @ CCHS
Support for Families

Welcome to our Well-Being and Support Hub

On this page you will find information and links to assist with your family's well-being and health, including mental health. Scroll down to access numerous support groups and organisations, covering a variety of topics.

Do you have a young person struggling with their mental health or wellbeing?

Support can start in the home by making sure you talk and engage with your children as much as possible. Quality time without the distraction of electronic devices has enormous benefits for all. Help your children to limit and self-police their social media use - poor mental health and well being is hugely impacted by social media, and there are clear links between improved mental health and wellbeing with reduced use or exposure to social media. GPs can also be accessed for any help or support and are often a good first step. Encourage good attendance because this reduces the stress that can come about from missing lesson content and not fully understanding what is being taught. Being in school also supports important social development.

Whilst our core purpose is education, we are keen to do all we can to support our students with their mental health.  We encourage our students to talk to us openly about how they are feeling and we have a range of support available to them. 
The mental health provision at Clacton County High School includes:

  • The Pastoral Team who can help with general concerns / worries about school and college life.
  • The Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Panel who triage and seek to provide help with a specific issue e.g recent bereavement. This may result in referrals to the school counsellor or other professionals with the right skillset.
  • The Mental Health Support Team (MHST) who can help and advise with early intervention work, referrals or therapy. 
  • The School Nurse who can help on a variety of issues including healthy relationships, health awareness, healthy lifestyle and sexual health.

Throughout the year we offer students opportunities to understand the various forms of support available and how to make their concerns to staff. MHST have information stalls key school events, and at calendared points during the school day at lunchtime. There are presentations throughout the year during tutor time and assemblies. Students can also use the Tootoot reporting system not only to notify the school of a safeguarding concern, but to let us know of any worries they may be having about their mental health or wellbeing.

We endeavour to work in partnership with parents, so that the strategies we recommend to students are understood and encouraged at home. If you would like to learn more about mental health difficulties and the strategies we recommend, your explore the resources on this webpage or speak with a member of your child's pastoral team who may be able to help.

Support Websites

These websites are ideal to help parents support their children:

youngminds.org.uk - How can we help you?

youngminds.org.uk - Help for parents

youngminds.org.uk - Helping you child with anxiety


calmharm.co.uk - To assist low mood and self harm

www.clearfear.co.uk - Anxiety

www.movemood.co.uk - Low mood & depression

combinedminds.co.uk - Families & friends supporting with mental health

What parents & carers need to know about - The Dangers of Vaping

Support for Parents - Free online Safeguarding Training

Parents against Child Sexual Exploitation (PACE) have a free online course that helps parents understand what CSE is, recognise the signs, and know what help is available for young people. The course will take approximately 20-30 minutes and we feel it would be time well spent and would urge all parents to have a look.
Follow the link and click on the green "Sign up now, it’s free"  box - www.safeguardingchildrenea.co.uk

Link to our eSafety webpage for parents which contains comprehensive information about helping keep your children safe online

Support for Parents - Dealing with the Challenges of Parenting

There are a number of independant organisations that offer addition support for parents with children of all ages. They offer courses on various topics and their websites containg a host of useful information.

Essex Safeguarding Children Board - www.escb.co.uk
The ESCB website contains a wealth of information for parents and carers.
In addition they have a number of useful 'Lets Talk About......' publications:
Gangs - Information Leaflet
Going Country - 'County Lines' - Information Leaflet on Drug Dealing/Running

Family Lives (formally Parent Line) - www.familylives.org.uk  Tel: 0808 800 22 22
Family Lives is a national family support charity providing help and support in all aspects of family life. We're here for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We listen, support and never judge. We believe that happy children come from happy families.

‘Extra Support for Families’ - www.extrasupportforfamilies.co.uk
EXTRA is a local organisation which acts as a central agency to co-ordinate the provision of parenting support throughout Tendring. They offer help and support to anyone caring for children in the Tendring district to assist them with the challenges of parenting.
EXTRA’s activities can help you to develop your self confidence and parenting skills. This will help you bring out the best in your child, reduce conflict in the home, improve family relationships and build confidence to cope with future changes. They offer local opportunities for parents to meet, organise one-off workshops and offer a range of parenting programmes.
EXTRA offers local opportunities to gain information, advice and support and meet other parents at one-off workshops, support groups and parenting courses. Courses are for parents/carers of children of all ages including those with additional needs. Activities are free, with refreshments and many have a crèche.
For more information contact EXTRA - Tel: 01255 475001 or email: admin@extrasupportforfamilies.co.uk

The Ministry of Parenting - Based in Colchester, this is an exciting, innovative and growing Community Interest Company that works with parents and professionals to develop creative evidence-based solutions to the challenges faced by families in society today. Their website contains a wealth of information for parents to help them deal with the challenges of bringing up their children - 'The Ministry of Parenting' - www.theministryofparenting.com

Essex Travel Training – www.travel-training.co.uk
Travel Training helps people with special educational needs or disabilities travel independently on buses and trains. Their award-winning service has helped over 2,500 students and adults get more from life by giving them the confidence to travel independently.

Autism Anglia – www.autism-anglia.org.uk
Enhancing the lives of people on the autism spectrum across East Anglia. The Autism Advice Service provides support, advice, and guidance to individuals, families, and professionals. The team has extensive knowledge of local services, offering free information and can signpost to other support agencies.

The Maze Group – www.themazegroup.co.uk
• The MAZE is a unique approach, which offers an insight into how children with additional needs experience the world around them. They can help you:
• Understand how your child is affected by his/her additional needs, and why they present in the way they do.
• Unpick challenging behaviours and explore how to replace these with functional skills.
• Explore how to improve emotional well-being and promote self-esteem.
• Understand how to secure good educational provision and access to services for your child.
•Share experiences with other parents of children with additional needs.

Interact – www.interact.org.uk
An innovative, enterprising, local Essex based charity that delivers support where needed most – in the heart of the community. Promoting creativity and empowerment InterAct is dedicated to improving the emotional well-being and opportunities of young people and young adults with disabilities, primarily learning disabilities/difficulties and autism, and individuals, families and communities who experience barriers through disability, challenging mental health, other disadvantage and social difficulties.

Essex Youth Service - Young Carers - youth.essex.gov.uk
Information about children and young people who act as Young Carers for family members.
Including a link to 'Refer a young carer for support'.

School Nursing Service - 0300 247 0015

In North East Essex, between the age of 0-8 years your child will be under the Health Visiting Service, from their 8th birthday onward they will be under the School Age Team up until the age of 19 or 25 for those with Special Educational Needs.
The team is made up of Specialist Community Public Health Nurses, School Nurses and Healthy Family support Practitioners, who all specialise in the delivery of care to School Age children and young people.
They deliver health advice and support both within School, within the family home, our family hubs and delivery sites or other community settings.
The team can help with:

  • Providing confidential drops in sessions at every secondary school allowing young people to discuss any health or wellbeing concerns
  • Provide community drop in sessions at family hubs and delivery sites.
  • Provide support in key stages including school transition from primary to secondary, mid teen and year 11 help to ensure that young people are prepared for their next stage of life.
  • Offer support in regard of common childhood issues (Bedwetting, diet, exercise, sleep and emotional wellbeing)
  • Complete individual health needs assessments to identify any health and wellbeing needs, then putting support in place.
  • Work alongside you to decide the best level of support.
  • Work alongside other organisations when required to ensure the best possible outcome for you and your child.
  • The school age team will accept self-referrals through school drop in sessions, Parents, teachers, GP and other health care colleagues can refer through to the service by making contact- 0300 247 0015
Childline - Calm Zone

The Childline website has lots of valuable information for children and their parents; one useful area is their Calm Zone. The activities aim to help children feel better when they're feeling anxious, scared or sad.
Although children should be encouraged to visit the website themselves, these are good techniques for parents to use with children. Ideas include: breathing exercises, a 'let it go' box and creating a 'sense drawer'.
Visit the Childline Calm Zone to find out more....

Think U Know? - Online Safety information

Thinkuknow is an education programme from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command. They have produced a number of useful home activity packs, containing simple 15 minute activities, to help support families with online safety at home. Each of these family activity sheets have a selection of short conversation starters, practical tips and fun tasks to do as a family. Find out more here...

Developing Resilience

Resilience is about taking steps to look after your wellbeing which can help you deal with pressure, and reduce the impact that stress has on your life. This is sometimes called developing emotional resilience. Resilience is not just your ability to bounce back, but also your capacity to adapt in the face of challenging circumstances, whilst maintaining a stable mental wellbeing. 
Resilience is not a personality trait – it is something that we can all take steps to achieve.
You can:
• Make some lifestyle changes
• Look after your physical health
• Give yourself a break
• Develop your support network
Interested in finding out more…? To find out your keys to resilience - watch this YouTube video.

Live Well Essex

The livewell campaign is designed to engage communities, families and individuals with the aim of providing information about all that is on offer in Essex to improve health and wellbeing.
Visit their website for help and advice on numerous topics.
See their advice on Healthy Relationships - 'We All Have Arguments; How Do You Solve Yours?'

Every Mind Matters

Taking care of your mind as well as your body is really important while staying at home because of Coronavirus. You may feel bored, frustrated or lonely. You may also be low, worried or anxious, or concerned about your finances, your health or those close to you. It is important to remember that it is OK to feel this way and that everyone reacts differently. Remember, this situation is temporary and, for most of us, these difficult feelings will pass. Staying at home may be difficult, but you are helping to protect yourself and others by doing so.
The tips and advice from the Every Mind Matters Team are things you can do now to help you keep on top of your mental wellbeing and cope with how you may feel while staying at home. Make sure you get further support if you feel you need it - Mental Wellbeing While Staying At Home, Every Mind Matters, a NHS One You Resource

Do not forget that just a few easy actions can also help keep a healthy mind.
• Ensure you get some exercise each day
• Talk to someone every day - family or friends – and tell them how you feel
• Do something creative - write a story, draw, paint or read
• Balance your screen time - too many hours using phones, tablets and watching television can inhibit your sleep
• Ensure you get enough sleep to ensure that your immune system is healthy – tired bodies have lower immunity

Positive Emotional Well Being

Young Minds and UNICEF have some good ideas to help you support your children's mental health during the isolation period:
• Young Minds – Look After Your Mental Health Whilst Self Isolating
• UNICEF – How Teenagers Can Protect Their Mental Health During the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
• Your Mind Plan | Every Mind Matters | One You - a really helpful quiz for those who are struggling to cope with the current situation.

Bereavement Support

Childhood Bereavement Support Network - Covid-19: Supporting Bereaved Children and Young People
Winstons Wish - Information, advice and guidance on supporting bereaved children and young people during the coronavirus outbreak
Child Bereavement UK - providing confidential support, information and guidance to families

Southend, Essex and Thurrock Domestic Abuse Board

SETDAB - Stay Safe at Home Campaign
For further advice and guidance, please visit the SETDAB website