School Uniform

CCHS Uniform SupplierCCHS School Uniform

In the event that a student is not in full school uniform, an appropriate replacement will be provided by the pastoral team.
Failure to adhere to the school’s uniform and personal adornment requirements, as outlined below, may result in a student being withdrawn from lessons.

Years 7 – 11

• School tie, following the specific year group coloured stripe
   (2024/2025 - Year 7- Yellow; Year 8 - Purple; Year 9 - Blue; Year 10 - Red; Year 11 - Plain) - see below.
• Blazer with school badge
• Shirt - Plain white with top button, short or long sleeved - suitable for wearing with a tie and always worn tucked in.
• Navy blue school cardigan, or plain navy blue (not black) V-neck jumper (optional, but not in place of the school blazer)
• Black full-length school trousers
      NB. No skinny trousers, no jeans, no leggings, no trousers with patch pockets.
     Please see the CCHS Acceptable Trousers Document.

• OPTIONAL - Royal Blue pleated skirt - these should be worn at the purchased length and not rolled over at the top.
• Only plain black tights or plain navy/black/white ankle or knee-high socks are to be worn with skirts.
   Leggings are not acceptable in place of tights.
• Shoes - these should be low-heeled plain black FULL office style shoes that can be polished.
      NB. No boots, trainers, suede or canvas style shoes.
     Please see the CCHS Acceptable Shoes Document.

• Socks - Plain navy/black/white ankle socks or plain tights (as detailed above)

All Year Groups:

  • All items of school uniform are compulsory, unless otherwise stated.
  • All items of uniform should be clearly marked with the full student name so that if lost, they can be returned to the student as soon as possible.
  • Personal adornments – including any type of facial piercing - such as nose studs, large hooped earrings and necklaces are not acceptable and have to be removed.
    Students who come to school with a facial piercing will be expected to take it out and a refusal to do so could mean they are removed from lessons until they have done so.
    Whilst ears may be pierced, each ear should only have one stud.
    Ear studs must be removed for Physical Education lessons. If this is not possible they must be covered with tape.
  • Hair - only natural hair colours; e.g. no blue, pink, red, purple, green and no extreme hairstyles.
    Any student who comes to school with hair deemed unacceptable could be removed from
    lessons until their hair meets our expectations.
  • Fingernails  –  must be an acceptable length and a natural colour (if nails are varnished), and should be of an appropriate length for school so as not to contravene health and safety, and be appropriate and for participation in PE, or technology subjects. False nails are not permitted.
  • Make up – must ensure that it is discreet and appropriate for the school environment
  • False eyelashes are not permitted. 
  • Socks – plain black or white socks only and these must be worn below the knee.
  • Outside garments - which are not part of school uniform should not be worn when inside the school building under any circumstance. On entering the school premises at the start of the day and following social times, garments should be removed straight away. No hoodies are permitted inside or outside.

Physical Education

Indoor/Outdoor Kit

Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 & 9)

(Compulsory unless stated otherwise)

• Navy/Black Shorts (Not Cycling Short Style)
• Navy Skorts (Optional)
• Navy Blue Polo Shirt
• Royal Blue football socks
• Trainers/Football boots
• CCHS Rugby Shirt (boys)
• CCHS PE Sweat Shirt (girls)
• Plain Navy or Black Jogging Bottoms (Optional)
• Swimming – appropriate swimwear i.e. shorts, trunks, one-piece costume

Students are required to bring indoor kit when on swimming lessons in case the pool is out of action and this will allow an alternative activity to be planned.

Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11)

• Navy Polo Shirt
• Navy or Black Shorts
• Blue football socks
• Trainers/Football boots
• CCHS Rugby shirt (optional for KS4 only)
• CCHS PE Sweat Shirt (optional)
• CCHS PE 1/4 zip Fleece (optional)
• Plain Navy or Black Jogging Bottoms (optional)

Key Stage 4 (Years 9, 10 & 11)

• Black 'CCHS Dancer' Polo Shirt
• Black Legging/ Joggers or Harem Pants
• Trainers or Dance shoes

General PE/Dance Uniform:
  • All kit should be clearly marked with the pupil’s name so that it can easily be returned if lost.
  • In the colder weather students are permitted to wear tracksuit bottoms and sports undershirts.
  • During the winter months Rugby tops and Football boots are compulsory for activities on the field.

If a student is unable to physically participate in PE or Dance then they should always bring and change into their PE/Dance kit and help officiate or coach. 

Second-Hand Uniform

We are always grateful for any donation of used school uniform that is still in good condition - CCHS Blazers, Ties and CCHS PE kit - Shirts, Rugby and Sweatshirts.
Any items of uniform, no longer required, can be brought into our school reception - please ensure items are washed and names of previous owner removed.

The Clacton Uniform Bank hold regular drop-in sessions - Everything is free; No questions asked; Take what you need and donate what you don't need.
Follow the link for further information

Uniform Supplier

Anglia Sports and Schoolwear Ltd

School Ties 2024-2025

In September 2024, our new Year 7 will need a tie with a yellow stripe, The other year groups will keep their tie from the previous year.

Students will keep their year group colour throughout their time at CCHS.

NB. From the start of the new academic year - September 2024

Year 7 - CCHS tie with Yellow Stripe

Year 8 - CCHS tie with Purple Stripe

Year 9 - CCHS tie with Blue Stripe

Year 10 - CCHS tie with Red Stripe

Year 11 - CCHS tie - Original Plain (no stripe)