Physical Education

Physical Education @ CCHS

Throughout the year students in Years 7, 8 and 9 have a timetable of practical lessons, with various sporting activities planned for each of the six half-terms - click the relevant Year group.

Below are current activities for each year group and teaching band, along with the next activity rotation for the following half-term.

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

These are also available to download:

Year 7 PE - Practical Activity Timetable - 2023/24

Year 8 PE - Practical Activity Timetable - 2023/24

Year 9 PE - Practical Activity Timetable - 2023/24

What to do if your child is unable to participate in PE...

Please write a note for your child to give to their PE teacher, explaining the reason why your child is unable to participate in that particular lesson.
A note is required for each PE lesson they are unable to participate in.
Students who are unable to participate in PE must still bring and change into their PE kit. They will still be required to assist and engage with the lesson even without active participation.

Which PE kit should my child bring to school for each lesson?

We encorage all students to bring their full PE kit* to all of their PE lessons.
This means that there is never any confusion to which PE kit students need to remember to bring into school. It also allows a lesson activity to be altered on the day due to weather conditions or other circumstances etc. The only execption to this is when they are timetabled for swimming. In this case they are required to bring their swimming costume and towel IN ADDITION to their normal PE kit. This is so that, in the event that the swimming pool is out of action, they can participate in an alternative activity.

*Full PE Kit is defined as:
Navy Polo Shirt (White Polo Shirt also acceptable for Year 8 only), Blue Rugby Top/PE Sweat Shirt, Shorts/Skort, Royal Blue PE socks and trainers.
If a student knows that they have football or rugby for a particular lesson they may also wish to bring football boots in addition to their trainers - this is not compulsory and they can wear trainers for these activities.

See the Uniform webpage for full details of the CCHS PE Kit requirements....

Year 7 - Current Activities and next half-term Activities

Summer - Half-Term 1 (April/May) Summer - Half-Term 2 (June/July)
Class Activity 1
Wed - P3
Activity 2
Thu - P2
Class Activity 1
Wed - P3
Activity 2
Thu - P2
7x/Pe1 Athletics - Track Events Athletics - Field Events 7x/Pe1 Rounders Basketball
7x/Pe2 Athletics - Field Events Athletics - Track Events 7x/Pe2 Basketball Rounders
7x/Pe3 Athletics - Track Events Athletics - Field Events 7x/Pe3 Dance - Boys Rounders
7x/Pe4 Athletics - Field Events Athletics - Track Events 7x/Pe4 Rounders Handball
7x/Pe5 Athletics - Track Events Athletics - Field Events 7x/Pe5 Rounders Table Tennis
7x/Pe6 Athletics - Field Events Athletics - Track Events 7x/Pe6 Basketball Rounders
Summer - Half-Term 1 (April/May) Summer - Half-Term 2 (June/July)
Class Activity 1
Mon - P2
Activity 2
Fri - P1
Class Activity 1
Mon - P2
Activity 2
Fri - P1
7y/Pe1 Athletics - Track Events Athletics - Field Events 7y/Pe1 Rounders Basketball
7y/Pe2 Athletics - Field Events Athletics - Track Events 7y/Pe2 Basketball Rounders
7y/Pe3 Athletics - Track Events Athletics - Field Events 7y/Pe3 Dance - Boys Rounders
7y/Pe4 Athletics - Field Events Athletics - Track Events 7y/Pe4 Rounders Handball
7y/Pe5 Athletics - Track Events Athletics - Field Events 7y/Pe5 Rounders Table Tennis
7y/Pe6 Athletics - Field Events Athletics - Track Events 7y/Pe6 Basketball Rounders

Year 8 - Current Activities and next half-term Activities

Summer - Half-Term 1 (April/May) Summer - Half-Term 2 (June/July)
Class Activity 1
Mon - P4
Activity 2
Tue - P1
Class Activity 1
Mon - P4
Activity 2
Tue - P1
8x/Pe1 Athletics - Track Events Athletics - Field Events 8x/Pe1 Rounders Handball
8x/Pe2 Athletics - Field Events Athletics - Track Events 8x/Pe2 Rounders Dance - Boys
8x/Pe3 Athletics - Track Events Athletics - Field Events 8x/Pe3 Gymnastics Rounders
8x/Pe4 Athletics - Field Events Athletics - Track Events 8x/Pe4 Handball Rounders
8x/Pe5 Athletics - Track Events Athletics - Field Events 8x/Pe5 Rounders Basketball
8x/Pe6 Athletics - Field Events Athletics - Track Events 8x/Pe6 Football Rounders
Summer - Half-Term 1 (April/May) Summer - Half-Term 2 (June/July)
Class Activity 1
Tue - P2
Activity 2
Fri - P2
Class Activity 1
Tue - P2
Activity 2
Fri - P2
8y/Pe1 Athletics - Track Events Athletics - Field Events 8y/Pe1 Rounders Handball
8y/Pe2 Athletics - Field Events Athletics - Track Events 8y/Pe2 Rounders Dance - Boys
8y/Pe3 Athletics - Track Events Athletics - Field Events 8y/Pe3 Gymnastics Rounders
8y/Pe4 Athletics - Field Events Athletics - Track Events 8y/Pe4 Handball Rounders
8y/Pe5 Athletics - Track Events Athletics - Field Events 8y/Pe5 Rounders Basketball
8y/Pe6 Athletics - Field Events Athletics - Track Events 8y/Pe6 Football Rounders

Year 9 - Current Activities and next half-term Activities

Summer - Half-Term 1 (April/May) Summer - Half-Term 2 (June/July)
Class Activity 1
Tue - P2
Activity 2
Fri - P4
Class Activity 1
Tue - P2
Activity 2
Fri - P4
9x/Pe1 Athletics Practical - Leadership 9x/Pe1 Practical - Leadership Theory - Leadership Review
9x/Pe2 Practical - Leadership Athletics 9x/Pe2 Theory - Leadership Review Practical - Leadership
9x/Pe3 Athletics Practical - Leadership 9x/Pe3 Practical - Leadership Theory - Leadership Review
9x/Pe4 Practical - Leadership Athletics 9x/Pe4 Theory - Leadership Review Practical - Leadership
9x/Pe5 Practical - Leadership Athletics 9x/Pe5 Practical - Leadership Theory - Leadership Review
Summer - Half-Term 1 (April/May) Summer - Half-Term 2 (June/July)
Class Activity 1
Mon - P3
Activity 2
Thu - P4
Class Activity 1
Mon - P3
Activity 2
Thu - P4
9y/Pe1 Athletics Practical - Leadership 9y/Pe1 Practical - Leadership Theory - Leadership Review
9y/Pe2 Practical - Leadership Athletics 9y/Pe2 Theory - Leadership Review Practical - Leadership
9y/Pe3 Athletics Practical - Leadership 9y/Pe3 Practical - Leadership Theory - Leadership Review
9y/Pe4 Practical - Leadership Athletics 9y/Pe4 Theory - Leadership Review Practical - Leadership