CCHS Learning Support
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
CCHS is committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our students. We believe that all learners, irrespective of their starting point or the challenges they face, have the right to a broad and balanced curriculum.
We strive to ensure that all students are able to engage in all aspects of school life. We provide a range of support in order to facilitate this and regularly review the needs of students in order to provide the right support.
Our learning support team aims to accurately identify students with special educational needs involving external professionals where appropriate and provide support strategies to enable staff to meet the needs of these students across the curriculum.
Admission arrangements for students with SEND requirements
Please see our SEND Information Report for details of our Admission Arrangements for Students with SEND requirements. Additional information can also be found on our Admissions page.
Day in the Life - SEND @ CCHS
At CCHS all students have four lessons per day. This includes starting the day with a morning registration session. Our inclusion support team are on hand during the morning session to support those students with SEND that require help with organising their equipment for the day or those who may need emotional support at the start of the day. Some students with SEND may access an intervention session during a morning registration session.
Student Voice
All students with SEND have regular opportunities to feed back their experiences at CCHS in order to ensure we continually develop our practices in place to support students with additional needs. More information on the schools SEND systems can found on the SEND information report linked below.
Additional needs
CCHS prides itself on being an inclusive mainstream school. The 2014 SEND Code of Practice outlines four categories of need that include a range of difficulties. These are Communication & interaction, Cognition & Learning, Social, Emotional & Mental Health and Physical & Sensory. To ensure we provide the support required to individuals within these categories we have three Inclusion Support Co-ordinators who oversee the specific areas of need. CCHS aims to develop all students' independent skills regardless of their needs and the support in place is scaffolded to help achieve this. Examples of the additional support that may be provided for some of the needs within these areas are indicated below although this list is not exhaustive:
- Students who have a diagnosis of autism may need to leave lesson a few minutes early as a result of the busy corridors to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
- Students who have a diagnosis of dyslexia may use an overlay in class. They may also access a cued spelling programme to support their literacy difficulties.
- Students with social, emotional or mental health difficulties may access the inclusion hub during social times, accessing games within a smaller social space.
- Students who find asking for help difficult as a result of communication challenges may use a red/green card on their desk to support their needs in class.
- A student with a visual impairment may need to utilise technology or have enlarged resources to support accessing work in class.
CCHS does not define a student by their disability but focuses on their learning ability in the mainstream context. We are committed to working with the parents of children and work hard to understand how we can best support individual needs.
Trauma Perceptive Training (TPP)
Staff at CCHS have received Trauma Perceptive Practice (TPP) training. TPP principles are reflected in our Behaviour for Learning Policy which recognises that the good relationships we create with children will have the greatest influence on their interactions with us and one another.
CCHS SEND - Information
CCHS Special Education Needs & Disabilities Policy
Click here for our Interactive Special Educational Needs & Disability - Information Report - CCHS SEND - Information Report
Alternatively, follow the links in the table below to link directly to the relevant information in the report.
CCHS Special Educational Needs & Disability - Information Report |
SEND categories | Identifying and Assessing SEND |
Teaching and Learning | Support Plans |
Working with Parents | Working with other Professionals |
Extra-Curricular Activities | Transition |
CCHS SEND Staff | Further Information |
SEND Parent Support
See our Parent Support Page for details about the various external organisations that can assist parents and carers with the needs of our SEND students outside of school.
Complaints from parents of children with Special Education Needs (SEN)
If you have a concern specific to the SEN support that the school provides for your child, please contact our SENCo, Mrs Bartrum in the first instance.
Address your written concern to our SENCo or email your concern to - and mark for the attention of the SENDCo.
Additional information about the Sigma Trust's complaints procedure can be found in the Trust's Complaints Policy.