The College Day
Each subject is taught on a single day per week for a morning and afternoon session. There is a break during each session as well as a 40 minute lunch break.
It is likely you will study three courses which are taught over three days.
In addition to this, you will select an Enrichment Curriculum subject, attend work experience and attend private study.
Year 12 students are expected to attend Sigma Sixth for a minimum of four full days per week plus a day of work experience.
The timings of the college day have altered this academic year; the new structure provides a later start, reduced lunch break and a slightly later finish.
Sigma Sixth Lessons
8.15am - College Opens
8.50am - AM Lessons
10.30am – Morning Break - 20 minutes
10.50am - AM Lessons Continue
12.10pm - Lunch
12.50pm – PM Lessons
2.00pm - Afternoon Rest Break - 10 minutes
2.10pm - PM Lessons Continue until 3.10pm
3.30pm - 4.30pm - Extra-curricular activities